30 June 2023: On the cusp of the second half of the year, and in the midst of Nammilk’s next generation It’s What’s Inside campaign, we launched It’s Whats’Appening – our two-month “Buy, Scan & Win” competition, to lovers of pure goodness nationally.

Are you a firm believer in the superiority of our pure milk, the way nature intended – nothing added, nothing taken away? If yes, then you deserve to be acknowledged! Nammilk stands by the fact that every household deserves the absolute best to help maintain the highest standards of health and wellbeing and to power the innate potential in our children. It is for this reason that Nammilk launched the It’s Whats’Appening competition – to recognise those who strive to be their best by consuming products among the best.

The competition invites consumers to firstly Buy any – or all – of their favourite milk products from the Nammilk range: Fresh Milk, Long Life Milk and Fresh Cream. Consumers then Scan the QR code at the back of the pack to embark on the WhatsApp journey that opens on their smartphone and enter a world in which they stand the chance to Win instant airtime prizes. Every consumer who enters the competition is also automatically entered into the weekly cash prize draw.

Nammilk-loving consumers around the country can and are encouraged to participate in the competition. On-site activations are held in selected malls and stores in the Central and Coastal regions of the country.

So, keep an eye out: pure goodness and rewards for every household have been activated!